No Left Turns
Joseph Schott (1921-2018) was a decorated WW II veteran who, after getting his Master’s degree at the University of Texas, served 23 years as an FBI Agent. In his off-duty hours, he wrote historical books on the Panama Canal, the Medal of Honor, and the Philippine Insurrection. In 1975, four years after retiring from the Bureau, No Left Turns was published, a fun, quirky account of his FBI career told as only a humorous maverick could. His collection of FBI anecdotes, some true, some wildly exaggerated, formed a deadpan but hilarious storyline. In this book, Schott portrays himself as a lone, dedicated, insightful FBI Agent while suggesting that every other Agent he worked with was either a martinet or a doofus. Nevertheless, it’s an engagingly funny book that will elicit laughter from any reader.
Joseph L. Schott
Publication Year